Monday, 30 April 2012

April Nature Trail

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

Seeing as we had a bit of a break in the rain which has been pouring down since last week and is forecast well into next week, we decided to go out on a nature trail and have a look at the different kinds of leaves, flowers, blossom and the differences in tree trunks as we have quite a variety of trees around us.  It was our record of the nature around us in springtime.

We talked about the different colours, textures, shapes of tree trunks and leaves, some trunks need support (like the young or fragile), some grow in any way they like without support.  We related this to mankind and how Allah created us different:

يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ إِنَّا خَلَقْنَاكُم مِّن ذَكَرٍ وَأُنثَىٰ وَجَعَلْنَاكُمْ شُعُوبًا وَقَبَائِلَ لِتَعَارَفُوا ۚ إِنَّ أَكْرَمَكُمْ عِندَ اللَّهِ أَتْقَاكُمْ ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ عَلِيمٌ خَبِيرٌ

"O mankind! Allah created you from a single (pair) of a male and a female, and made you into nations and tribes, that you may know each other (not that you despise each other). Verily the most honored of you in the sight of Allah is (he who is) the most righteous of you. And Allah has full knowledge and is well acquainted (with all things)." Surah Al-Hujarat (49:13) 

We talked about how Allah created every living thing to be unique and that is what makes us all different, be we animal, insect or plant, we all live together and work together, we talked about the bees and how they helped to pollonate the flowers yet they are different to the flowers, but they don't say to the flowers "you don't look like us so we don't like you", in nature everything works in harmony as that was the way they were created by Allah.  Mankind however was given a mind to make choices and sometimes we make the wrong choices which can hurt others, we talked about kindness and sharing and how we feel when others are kind to us, or when they are mean, so we should treat others as we would like to be treated.

Another topic I wanted to share with Saffiyah was special properties of some plants, in our case I took the example of stinging nettles and dock leaves.  The properties of stinging nettles are that they contain a histamine which irritates the skin and the sharp hairs over the leaves act like needles piercing the skin to inject the histamine (like a kind of poison to the body), this teaches us that some plants are dangerous to our health so we must be very careful in handling and especially in eating them.  The properties of dock leaves on the other hand are healing, the dock leaf contains an antihistamine and so will sooth the irritated place quickly if placed over the sting.

This then reminds us of a hadith in several ahadith: 

"Allah has sent down both the disease and the cure, and He has appointed a cure for every disease, so treat yourselves medically, but use nothing unlawful." (Abu Dawud)

 Allah has never created a disease but created its treatment, that is known by some people and unknown to others, except death. (At-Tabarani)

"Every disease has a medication: If the medication for a particular disease is found, it will be cured with Allah's (swt) permission." (Muslim)

So we set about on the task of spotting stinging nettles and dock leaves and I showed Saffiyah how Allah had placed the cure to the sting nettles usually quite close to them as shown below:

The Stinging nettle (pointed out with Saffiyah's stick).                                            

                                    The dock leaves.

 It was quite amazing to see time and time again, dock leaves could be found very close to the stinging nettles, thus demonstrating that Allah had indeed created a cure for every disease/sickness and had placed it nearby.

Here are some examples of the many varieties of tree trunks that we spotted:

                     White                                                      White and brown horizontal stripes

White with brown vertical, patchy stripes.             White with brown, horizontal and vertical stripes.
      Green                                                                               Green, white and brown patches.

Limbs twisted together



Young, needing support.


Old, needing support.

Part of a tree without support after strong winds.

Drooping branches.

Twisted trunk, growing along the ground.

Chicken lapbook

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

Over the last couple of weeks, amongst other subjects, we have been working on our chicken project, we are raising chicks and I thought it a good topic for our first lapbook, Saffiyah agreed, so we have worked hard to collect together bits and pieces of information to present in this one lapbook.

The lapbook itself is made from three file folders glued together, I used three additional pieces of card to present some of Saffiyah's larger pieces of work.

Saffiyah designed the front cover, using feathers, glitter, pom poms, a pipe cleaner and she created her own wordsearch for the front page.

The first section contained information about chickens in general, the egg story details the life cycle, the anatomy lifts out to reveal the anatomy of a hen and a rooster and the eggs open to show the development of the chick at 5 day intervals until hatching.

The additional piece of card lifted to reveal the chicken life cycle with types of combs (hand written and typed and printed by Saffiyah) and vocabulary and definitions in the main folder.

The second section contained information about our breeds of chicks, Saffiyah's drawings of them, our chicken house and chicken addition games I printed and laminated.

The chicken house.

Chicken crossing (snakes and ladders adaption with addition and subtraction cards instead of dice).

The final section included fictional books that we had read about chickens, three of which Saffiyah rewrote in her own words with pictures.  I made a pocket for the worksheets she completed and added an additional piece of card to display her paper plate hen and rooster.

                         The entire lapbook.

In addition to this, we have videos and pictures of our chicks hatching and growing from day of hatch until 5 weeks as the eldest is currently 5 weeks old.

The resources we used are listed below, I did not use everything from each link, I used only that which was useful for us and relevant to Saffiyah's learning.

Monday, 23 April 2012

Lemon Butterfly Cakes

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

It seems today is the day for baking.  Saffiyah found a small recipe leaflet from Sainsburys that she had picked up quite a while back and decided she wanted to try it out, fortunately we had all the ingredients bar the lemon curd so I made a substitute, I also made an alteration to the icing recipe as I knew it wouldn't be firm enough otherwise.


  • 120g margarine
  • 120g caster sugar (I use granulated)
  • 2 medium sized eggs
  • Zest of one lemon
  • 120g Self-raising flour
For the filling

  • 150g margarine
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • 100g icing sugar
  • A small spoon of fresh marmalade for each cupcake.
  1. Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 and line a cupcake tray with paper cases.
  2. Beat together the butter and sugar until light and fluffy in a large mixing bowl. Gradually add the eggs (already lightly beaten) until all the mixture is combined.
  3. Stir in the zest and flour until the mixture becomes like a smooth batter.
  4. Divide the mixture equally between the 12 cases.
  5. Place in the oven and bake for 20 minutes.
  6. Remove from the oven and place on a cooking rack.
  7. Once cooled, cut a small circle from the top of each cupcake, saving each circle.
  8. Place a spoonful of fresh marmalade into each hole in the top of the cupcakes.
  9. Add a swirl (or spoonful in Saffiyah's case) of the icing to cover the marmalade.
  10. Cut each slices circle in half and place into the icing to form butterfly wings.
  11. Sprinkle with icing sugar (we didn't do this as they were plenty sweet enough).

Cornish Pasties

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

Since the baking experiences at Bristol Love Food Festival, Saffiyah has been asking to make cornish pasties again, although this time with ingredients she chose, I made a couple with added ingredients so I will list the ingredients as a total noting which Saffiyah used.


 225g plain flour
 100g margarine
 jug of cold water
 1 small potato, peeled and grated
 1 small onion, finely chopped
 1 small carrot, peeled and grated
 a handful of sweetcorn
 10 green beans
 100g minced lamb/beef

Saffiyah made hers minus the onion and meat and added grated cheese to bind it together, the pasties I made did not include cheese. I think we could have done with a pinch of salt and a bit of spice (black pepper/chilli).

We made them as per the method noted on the "What we've been up to" post then baked them for 10 minutes at Gas Mark 7 and 20 minutes at Gas Mark 4.

Brushing egg over the pastries before baking.                                         The cooked pasties (one a little 
                                                                                                                   caught round the edges)

Dolls House Playground

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

As part of our planning for a wooden dolls house, Saffiyah decided she would like to add a playground, so we had a look online for examples to get ideas from and we came across this blog:

Saffiyah quite liked the look of this one and so we drew up a list of what she would like in the playground.  After looking at Saffiyah’s extensive list we narrowed it down to items we thought we could actually fit onto the playground as living in a small house means very little space for new creations.

I took a piece of mdf that was left over from cutting the sides of the dolls house and all the bits and pieces we had from the recycling and craft cupboard and left Saffiyah in charge.  Here are some photos of the process including her initial list of equipment:


The finished piece is modelled by some very small pocket dolls that Saffiyah insisted needed to try out the newly created playground just as soon as it had dried:

We managed to create a slide, a swing, two throwing balls, a skipping rope, a sandpit and digger and a tunnel, not bad for the little space that we had and I’m pretty pleased with how Saffiyah arranged the equipment to fit in the playground.

The dolls house project is on hold at the moment as we have started our chicken lapbook and Saffiyah has a long list of subjects she would like to cover before the dolls house can be completed.

Sunday, 22 April 2012

What we've been up to

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most merciful.

We used the Easter holidays to have a bit of a break and to gather ideas that Saffiyah would quite like to follow up.

Her first request was to make a dolls house, originally I started to make it from an old box and polystyrene packaging but then as our ideas grew, we agreed it would be better to attempt to make it out of the MDF that I have conveniently kept stored in the house since we moved in.

Saffiyah made a couple of rough drawings and a list of furniture needed in the house, prompting a discussion as to what defined furniture and what was simply accessories to be added in later.  From our discussions I drew up a spelling list for Saffiyah (she loves her spelling lists) and made a simple wordsearch.

We have decided that the house is to have three floors plus an attic space (the playroom).  Saffiyah wants lighting on all floors prompting us to think about starting some simple electronic circuits.  I am still trying to locate some suitable bulbs that will work with one 1.5V battery on each floor.

Our plans so far are shown below:


Here is the original dolls house from cardboard and polystyrene:

At the beginning of the Easter holidays we went to see the Love Food Festival in Bristol, it was quite an interesting event, with much to see, do and discover, the most exciting part of course was the children’s area.  Saffiyah made full use of everything available.

The first thing Saffiyah did was head right over to the face painting area, where she duely requested a butterfly painted on her face.  Only after this was completed was she happy to proceed with the other activities.

The ribbon skirt

This skirt is relatively easy to make, first a length of wide elastic was cut and tied to fit snugly around Saffiyah’s waist.  From then on it was up to Saffiyah how she wanted her skirt to look.  Using scissors she cut a length of ribbon and folded it in half after measuring the approximate length she would like.  Taking the folded end up under the elastic and over the top, then threading the cut ends through that loop, she pulled it downwards to secure the ribbon to the elastic.  This was repeated with each piece of material and ribbon in all the colours (Saffiyah was very insistent that she must have every colour available).  Following her own pattern of colours, she continued this until she had a completed skirt of ribbons hanging from her waist.

Butterfly wings

Plain silver card butterfly wing shapes were already cut out and small containers of coloured materials left on the tables.  Saffiyah decorated her wings and decided she wanted to create eyes by using white round stickers then cutting small circles out of the black sticky foam on the table.  To finish a length of wide elastic was cut and stuck in the centre with sticky black foam creating two elastic straps for the arms.

Other butterfly wings were attached to the pillars on display and looked rather pretty:

Juggling balls

Saffiyah, has always expressed an interest in learning to juggle, so I thought this was the perfect opportunity to make some equipment for her to practice with.

Firstly, filling beads were poured into a money bag which was then folded over to seal it and prevent the beads from spilling out.

Then a balloon was chosen and the neck cut off, the money bag was rolled up and stuffed into the balloon.

A second balloon was then taken, the neck cut off and a couple of holes cut into the balloon making circles.

The first balloon was then stuffed into the second balloon ensuring the hole of the first balloon was completely covered over.

That simple task completed a set of juggling balls for Saffiyah to practice with.


Like the butterfly wings, a shield shape was already cut out of plain white card and small containers of coloured materials left on the tables.  After decoration, a short rectangular strip of card was stuck to the back of the shield to allow it to slip over the arm.


Our 2 year old friend even also had a go at making a shield:

Since Saffiyah was painted as a butterfly, had made butterfly wings to wear and now wore her very own ribbon skirt, she had a new suggestion for the ladies helping other children making shields, “why can’t we make heart shaped or flower shaped shields?” So we took that idea home for another time.

The children’s area also had several cooking workshops going on from lunch time and baking is one of Saffiyah’s current interests, so we booked into two of them, cornish pasties (vegetarian) and pasta making.

Cornish pasties

The pastry was already made and handed out to each child in the form of a block. 

The first thing all children had to do (after washing hands) was to roll the block into a ball, then flatten out the ball into a kind of circle shape.

Then came the task of rolling the circle shape out into a wider, flatter circle.

The filling ingredients consisted of carrots, swede, potatoes, onion, grated cheese, salt and thyme. 


One by one the bowls were passed round and a small pinch of everything was added to the bottom half of each rolled out circle.

Once the ingredients were in place, the top half of the circle was pulled over the bottom half and pressed down to join the two parts.

The children were then encouraged to use a fork to make a pattern round the crust of the pasty and then brush egg over the finished pasty ready for cooking later.

Pasta making

This time the children made the pasta dough themselves, each child was given a bowl of pasta flour and an egg.

Each child broke the egg into the flour, added a pinch of salt, then mixed it together until it resembled breadcrumbs.

The next task was to mould the crumbs together into a ball.

This was when the bowls were whisked away to chill for the next group and pre chilled dough was distributed.

Lots more pasta flour was sprinkled to make the surface less sticky and the dough easier to roll out, then the rolling out began, until a long thin rectangular shape was formed.

The rectangle was then carefully rolled up and then cut into thin slices.

Each slice was then unravelled to reveal long strips of tagliatelle.

Then the tagliatelle was rolled up again loosely into nests, ready to take home and cook later.

All in all, a fun and eventful day, the kids we went with and Saffiyah were happy with their achievements and tired out, I'd recommend this food festival for anyone with kids preschool age and upwards.