بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
In the name of Allah the most gracious the most
Before we begin anything we mention the name of Allah
for our lives revolve around Islam as shown in the Quran:
Say: "Behold, my prayer, and (all) my acts of
worship, and my living and my dying are for Allah (alone), the Sustainer of all
the worlds (Quran 6:162)
Today is our first official day of home educating, although
we have been home educating since Saffiyah was born, we are now official
inshaallah (God willing). Our reasons
for Home Educating are many, the mainstream school system simply did not suit
Saffiyah and it became painful for me to send her in when she was begging to
stay at home day after day, in addition I find the school environment
artificial and feel that when a child follows their own path of learning, they
not only enjoy their learning much more, they also build a knowledge base far
stronger than when they are dictated to.
Our methods are eclectic, which means that we mix and match and take
resources from numerous sources so that Saffiyah’s education can be tailored to
suit her needs.
We are Muslims first and foremost and that makes up quite a
large chunk of our learning, it is important to us that morals and manners are
learnt from reputable sources, which is why we follow the ICO Islamic
curriculum for Islamic education and add on resources as and when needed, such
as mini tafseer (explanation of the Quran) from http://www.ad-duha.org/html/mini_tafseer_digital.html
not only requested by Saffiyah as she was learning her surahs by heart, but
also important in my opinion that she knew exactly what it was that she was
reciting, where it came from and why.
This is not an Islamic blog alone as we follow a number of
interests based on Saffiyah’s current level and her own natural curiosity
although you will see that I refer back to Islamic sources so that we remind
ourselves constantly of our roots and beliefs, for that reason, both Muslims
and Non Muslims can inshaallah benefit from our journey, or at least that is my
All other learning, as I have previously mentioned, is mix
and match and depends on Saffiyah’s current interests. At the moment that includes the solar system,
the human body, arts and crafts, baking and most outdoor activities (at the
moment the favourites
are skipping and roller skating).
Saffiyah also loves to read, actually that is an understatement, she
would rather read all night than sleep! (Some
who knew me as a child may ask me why I appear surprised as I was exactly the
same and would only ever accept book tokens as gifts, I even turned my wardrobe
into a library as a young child).
The reason I have called the blog Journey to Self
Sufficiency as that is my intention inshaallah to become self sufficient or as
close to self sufficient as we can. At
the moment we eat mostly Organic produce from local farms, bake our own bread
and everything is cooked from scratch, I have never agreed with so called
‘convenience’ foods. We are also raising
chicks and have our own chicken coop in the back yard (I can’t really call it a
garden as it is too small). I have a
greenhouse partially built and intend inshaallah to also grow our own
vegetables and salads.
We are members of our local Home Education group and also of
two groups in nearby counties and one based mainly in London. We have friends from around the country who
home educate and friends from around the world who don’t but support our
Current books we are using are as follows:
Collins My First book of The Solar System: http://www.theworks.co.uk/Collins-My-First-Book-of-The-Solar-System/9780007910274.html
My First Book of The Human Body: http://www.theworks.co.uk/Collins-My-First-Book-of-The-Human-Body/9780007442959.html
Tafseer: http://www.ad-duha.org/html/mini_tafseer_digital.html
My Secret unicorn series (Saffiyah’s choice of reading): http://www.puffin.co.uk/nf/Search/QuickSearchProc/1,,,00.html?strSearch=&homeNav=Y&travel=&textSearch=&advSearchStr=&adv=0&searchProfile=UK-618838-global&path=c618838-00000000%23%23-1%23%23-1~~f24||50756666696e~~nf10||4d792053656372657420556e69636f726e
Fairies Series (Another of Saffiyah’s choice of reading): http://www.rainbowmagiconline.com/uk/books/books_rainbow.html
Animal Ark Series (We’ve had these for a while but Saffiyah likes to read
them): http://www.hodderchildrens.co.uk/BOOKS-FOR-5_7-YEARS__LITTLE-ANIMAL-ARK.htm
First Quran Storybook: http://www.goodwordbooks.com/product-details/My-First-Quran-Storybook/532.html
Quran friends Storybook: http://www.goodwordbooks.com/product-details/My-Quran-Friends-Storybook/893.html
addition to these, we take books from the public library and our own library
and refer to those from continuously.
I need to make an important note for any Muslims reading this, the last two
books come from a company called Goodwordbooks, these follow the Sufi sect of
Islam and are not on Quran and Sunnah. I therefore do not recommend this company for
books, however, I got these books before I knew this and have checked the books
inside and out and these particular ones do not contain anything that I object
to, in my opinion these are very basic stories from the Quran that need to be
built upon but serve as an introduction for younger children. والله أعلم Waallah Allam (And
Allah knows best).
follow the Quran and Sunnah alone inshaallah and will not accept additions to
explanations of the Quran and main collections of ahadith (Bukhari, Muslim, Sunan
Al-Sughra, Sunan Abu Dawud, Jami Al-Tirmidhi, Sunan Ibn Majah, Malik’s Muwatta)
(this list is not exhaustive), we accept Quran and Sunnah as our main
and primary sources from which rulings have been taken and inshaallah do not
blindly rely on others views. We do not
follow any one Madhab, I strive inshaallah to follow the strongest opinion
(which does not mean the most extreme; it simply means the opinion that is
supported by the strongest evidence).
"Indeed the
people of Truth and the Sunnah do not follow anyone (unconditionally) except
the messenger of Allah صلى الله عليه وسلم
(May Allah honour him and grant him peace), the one who does not speak from his desires - it is only
revelation revealed to him."
[by Shaykh Ibn Taymiyyah,
Majmoo'ah al-Fataawaa, vol 3, page 216,
Daar Ibn Hazm Print, Trans: Aboo 'Abdis-Salaam]
Daar Ibn Hazm Print, Trans: Aboo 'Abdis-Salaam]
O ye who believe! Obey
Allah, and obey the messenger and those of you who are in authority; and if ye
have a dispute concerning any matter, refer it to Allah and the messenger if ye
are (in truth) believers in Allah and the Last Day. That is better and more
seemly in the end. (Quran 4:59)
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